Thursday, March 28, 2019

Hotel Alte Post - 2

This won't be a very informative post, as I didn't take a lot of additional pictures of day two of the Alte Post construction it all came together quite quickly...

Basic side walls and and an even more basic rear wall (brown pre-scribed sheet wood with a (badly cut out - as you can see) stiffening card piece.

You might note that the 'wings' supporting the side balconies - visible in the previous post - were removed - they seemed a bit high-up on the building so I removed them and added them further down the sides to line up with the 'third' floor (as counted by Europeans and others not believing in a 'G' floor)

Yellow coloured pencil was used for the window frames in the lower floor, the window-box flowers were as per the 'Upper Wassen' farmhouses detailed earlier.

The roof was the usual one-piece plastic stone/brick sheet to represent shingles, all folded up and contact glued in place. 

Side steps are a small trapezoidal piece of foamboard with steps drawn on.

I still need to make up a large vertical 'HOTEL' sign on the computer - the other signage and the little Xs on the window shutters were hand-drawn with a fine pigment pen in a fit of lazy impatience. As usual with most of my models, it is the effect of the scene and the illusion of detail within it that I hope resonates, not the individual details (or lack of them)!

 As finished, with various currency for scale:

The general shape (forced perspective narrowness aside) looks quite decent from road level, not that it will ever be seen from this angle on a Z scale layout!

Roughly placed on the layout:

In these pics it seems I should have put more black into my brown-wood mix, as the real Alte Post colour is almost black. Might see if that can be corrected.... 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hotel Alte Post - 1

One of the most distinctive buildings in Wassen is the Hotel Alte Post.

This was the first place I stayed on my first visit to the town (above), and just had to be included in the sample of buildings that will populate my model Wassen town.

Construction started using the usual random gustimating and drawing and re-drawing of lines until it looked about right, followed by some knifular commitment:

As usual, windows were cut out from the wooden frontage, and a card backing sheet cut so that the windows could be later drawn onto it. This also stiffens up the structure nicely and provides the white concrete lower floor.

Windows (badly) drawn and some details added in a slightly crooked fashion:

Yes, the entrance door is supposed to be offset a bit like this, but I'm a little off on my windows in the floor above (there should be fewer on the left-hand bunch). Drat. Hopefully nobody will notice...

A little paint, and it's starting to look half decent - when viewed from a considerable distance:

More to come... Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.

And a finally, a thank you to Mr Anonymous, who has pointed out that the mysterious building I had labeled the Town Hall in the previous posts is actually a school.  I've since corrected these. Cheers. I'm glad we've finally found a useful use for the internet - sharing information. Apparently it's not just for porn, vanity, scammers and to give vain and vile dickless morons a platform for sharing their hate and stupidity afterall...  RIP the Christchurch 50.