Well, I cheated a little, as they were 'borrowed' from a picture of the actual church on the interweb, which was photoshopped a little, printed out in multiple, and glued on with PVA. The printer at the local printshop has a different colour red to that on my screen of course, but it's close enough - and on the plus side they are quite nicely detailed, being scaled down reproductions of the real thing.
The real church doesn't have a clock face on the end facing the motorway, but fearing that might make it look like one of my model ones had fallen off, I've got all four sides of the tower covered in clock faces.
They were printed on white paper, and I cut out squares rather than trying to cut circles around the black faces. That white background is a slightly different colour to my creme coloured church, but it's not really noticeable, even in these pictures, which tend to show all the other glaring faults.
Such as, for example, I have no main windows on this rear side which faces the backdrop.....
Nor is there likely to ever be a proper tunnel portal down there - I'd rather be able to stick my hands in there for track cleaning within the tunnel
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