Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Articulation again - sggmrss 90 part 3. Welcome Mr Samskip.

 Today I stuck on my blue laser printed Samskip container sides and roof from the large sheet of container sides I had printed by a print shop up a long time ago. Some of the sides were pictures of mine and others that I perspective-corrected in photoshop, and some were blatantly stolen from the internet. Something I don't approve of, but at least this is not for any commercial purpose.

As mentioned last time, it's lucky I painted the container ends blue because I forgot my master plan and joined the two halves together before sticking the printed container ends on - In the end I didn't use any printed bits on any of the container 'ends', relying on the blue paint. The printed pieces are on the sides and roofs.

 Overall the wagon looks "OK but not great", maybe a 6 or 7 out of 10.

The thing that irks me about the wagon is that I've made the drop-sides a hair shallower than the plan, and coupled with the tall bogies, the whole thing looks like it sits a little high off the rails. This is something that annoys me about many of the the Marklin wagons, and that I have tried to overcome in most of my previous intermodal efforts... yet seem to have failed to notice here until everything was all but finished. It's quite noticeable against the 2x40-footer next to it in the picture above, although the sides are probably a little deep on this one!
Is this fixable? I suppose I could build new deeper drop-sides, but that seems like a lot of rework, so will likely write it off as a lesson learned. When embedded in the train I suppose it doesn't look so bad. I suppose I could also remove the bogies and the brass articulation assembly and mount them further up inside the wagon. This might be more palatable. We shall see

Now I have 11 or 12 intermodal 'wagons' (counting the articulateds as two). Another two or three would make a decent length intermodal train that would suit the layout. Unfortunately my locomotives won't be able to pull a train of that length up the hill anyway!

Here is my prototype pic for comparison. Maybe with some weathering the high-riding sides will be less noticeable. 

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