Saturday, December 10, 2016

Continuing Mountainification

The hills continued to grow today. The PVA+whitepages glueshell takes about 2 days to set and with a couple of layers is pretty strong. For today's coverage, I used a less-watered down PVA mix.

A few details have been added into the landscape:

  • In the above pic, bottom-left is the underpass and road to the Wattinger curve photospot
  • in the middle of the pic, the Sustenpass road S-curves under the viaduct and the small road underpass to the farms behind branches off to its left
  • up to the left of the pic you might be able to make out the zig-zag farm trail up to the Command Post, which is the little knob on the top level where there is a green stripe in the paper.
  • in the Meinreuss gorge to the right, you can see the two rail bridges and the Sustenpass road bridge between its two tunnels.

1 comment:

Evan said...

Is that even a word???