Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Rollin' on Dubz... RES wagon with wire wheels

I've acquired four of these 'Res' wagons (apparently the 'R' stands for 'flat wagon' in European) which came along in a freight set. I quite like them, but four is probably too many. I have some ideas for the two badly-packed ones that received a few broken stanchions in the post, but in the meantime...

The models are lettered for the German DB railway. Swiss SBB have them in their generic light gray colour too. While browsing the web for loads to put in them, I was taken by the example below carrying coils of steel wire. I've borrowed this image from www.photos-ferroviares.fr, so I hope they don't mind. If so, I'll remove it.

A quick splash with some paint washes followed, using the two Tamiya acrylic colours I own (rail brown and light gray).
 That's looking a mile better.

Next, I raided the house sewing facilities for some appropriate coloured thread.

And wound 30-40cm long strings around a tube of brass (that was probably a tad big) with a dab of PVA glue for adhesion.
Best not to wind too tight, as it's hard enough forcing the bales of steel off the end of the brass tube with your fingernails as it is.

Glued down, they look pretty good. I'm a few rounds short... but have run out of thread. Might have to make some black ones and add a touch of paint.

Not bad for less than an hour's work.

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