Today I had a crack at the petrol station alluded to in the previous post, and to my surprise had it glued down within two hours.
The real thing has a wooden upper floor on a concrete block lower, with an angled extension out front that I declined to model, out of both laziness and a lack of space.
The 'concrete block' bits were overpainted beforehand with a light grey so the detail would still show through, and the roof later painted darker, as these were made from the same card material.
As usual, its all a bit hokey and out-of-square, but it looks OK from a distance. The canopy sides were painted yellow and some red decal stripes added. I considered putting 'Shell' and Mattli' signs up, but I doubt they would want to be associated with such a crooked model.
Under the canopy are some white pieces of wire poked into the foamboard road and a few bits of plastic rod for petrol pumps. If I wasn't so lazy I would have put some red and yellow on them before sticking them down.
Because your worth it.. or whatever the current logic demand;
Thanks! that is a good price. I contacted them but they do not ship outside Germany. i will order one or two soon.
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