Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Tale of Four Transwaggons - 2

I took those four Habbins (Habbinses? Habbi?) down to the train room and thought - "why not just do them while you're here?"

A splash of Tamiya acrylic silver quickly dealt to the Nordwaggon logos. The roof and ends of the Transwaggon were painted light grey to match the other ones.

My too-small decals were added to the former Nordwaggon at a better height than my earlier efforts, and a little (perhaps too much) weathering applied to them both (washes and chalks).

As you can see, not much has changed on the layout over the past few months.

Another one or two of these 'Waggons' would give me a respectable unit paper train I reckon...

Monday, April 23, 2018

A Tale of Four Transwaggons

I visited a model store in the US last week and was surprised to find that they had quite a decent range of Marklin Z. A shame they didn't have any of the recent 'big' bogie tank cars, but amongst their collection was a pair of 'Habbins' wagons - one lettered up as a Transwaggon (ooo! didn;t even know Marklin had produced these) and one in the Belgian Nordwaggon scheme.

So, even at the exorbitant retail hens-teeth plus taxes prices being charged for these (probably) second-hand units, I couldn't resist picking them up for comparison with my two awful repaints.

The top is my desecrated Marklin Anniversary black one (with red lettering still showing through if you look really hard)

Second is my PanGas repainted into silver with a home made Transwaggon decal - which is a bit small and high up

Third is the Marklin Transwaggon - which is nicely lettered compared to the prototype, and will receive some weathering in the near future

And lastly the Belgian one - I'll be painting over it's Belgian-ness this.

It's been a little quiet lately...

Apologies, I've been doing some 'research' in the land of Swiss.

Not on the Gotthard, alas, but I did see a few interesting and relevant items nonetheless.

And picked up a few modelling materials for the layout as well. Things may be a bit sporadic for a few more weeks, but I promise to get back into Wassen soon.