Thursday, June 18, 2020

Wassen Church Chapel

Actually I don't know what the species name is for this little domed dell outside the church door, but it is quite distinctive and had to be added.

Since the Coronawar lockdown ended in New Zealand a few weeks ago, I've only made rare visits to the train room, and none has been terribly productive. But I've contemplated this wee structure for some time and finally bit the bullet yesterday.

A a short piece of white plastic tube was earmarked for the job a year or two ago (and indeed it is probably visible perched forlornly on the landscape next to the church in various pictures that appear amongst the bloggage here).

To make some progress though, a roof was needed and it's a difficult shape. The original idea was to use the rounded top of an old BIC ballpoint pen, but that didn't eventuate, so yesterday I built up a rough knob of plastic stacked up on top of the tube. Starting with a thick plate cut into a rough circle and a few tubes stacked on top, with a square rod sticking out the top.

That didn't look terribly attractive, but was a start. The knob was stuck into a drill and lathed into shape over various visits with a little filler in between.

This turned out ok, so it was hurriedly painted up and glued into place thusly:

Yes this roof is round rather than having flat faces (which I suppose I could have filed into it) but this is close enough from a distance.