Tuesday, June 26, 2018

South Hill Green

I snuck down to the train room yesterday and started greening the south hill (the uphill/Göschenen end of Wassen) using my usual techniques of brushing some PVA glue over the painted hill form, sprinkling on various mixes of ground cover, wetting with dribbles of isopropyl alcohol, and finally carefully dribbling on diluted PVA glue drop by drop.

South Hill in the far distance, the Church Hill at the bottom...
Sometimes that first step might need touchups in places so those can be done the next day, as can the next step, which is applying the next layer of vertical detail - low bushes in the form of various ground covers - in this case mainly recycled from previous layouts (many clumps of this-that-and-the-other have resided on three or four previous layouts. I usually leave a day between the layers to allow the previous to dry - otherwise the whole shebang can roll off your hills to the accompaniment of much swearing and cursing.

Once these layers have set, larger trees will be added to finish the scenes. On the South Hill a makeshift avalanche protection wall made of thin card is being propped up with a Peco track cleaning rubber, and the top half of the zigzag path up from town to the Command Post is looking a little over-glued in this picture.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Green Church Hill

Some grass and miscellaneous greenery has sprouted on the hill which the Wassen church will sit upon.

The hill is an awful lot shorter than it should be but such is life on a model railway. I suppose the church building itself will have to be quite underscale to make it seem further away.