Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Flat out - another container wagon.

I mentioned last time that I have a few 'Res' stake wagons that lost stanchions in the post. It turns out that the tops pop off these quite easily, so it might be possible to turn one into a container flat.

There are many, many types of these as mentioned earlier, but I'm going to make one of the deep-sided ones similar, but not exactly the same, as this one:

Unfortunately, the Marklin chassis is a tiny bit wide, so when I add a thin plastic overlay the sides will stick out a little further than they should, but such is life. Hopefully it won't be too obvious. The sides were cut from some thin Plastruct strip that happened to be the same height as was required. I drew the angled lines on the plan to help me position my ruler and get the angles right.

They were duly stuck on. A set of containers was prepared: The K Line one was made into a 20 footer...

 A few ribs, bottom sill and tiedown hooks (from the Res shell) later:

And some detail and paint later:

It might look a bit crummy up close, but hopefully it will look ok in the middle of a train.  Its saved a bit by the nice Yang Ming container on top, which I think was from an American AZL doublestack model. The twistlocks' here are painted on blobs of yellow and weathering is primarily a washing of thinned paint dusted in places by that Tamiya weathering chalk. I tried to make some 'rusty pools of water' on the top of the gray container, but I'm not sure I got away with it...

While I was in the dungeon today, I went back and added a few more steel wire coils to the Res wagon with black thread, dusted some very thin gray paint  to take the edge off them, and weathered them all with a little rust.
The first container wagon (in the background) has been upgraded with a black 'data board' stolen off the Res wagon top, a re-blued container, and some weathering.

I need to add a handbrake wheel to the blue one, but other than that, it was a pretty quick build.

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