Tuesday, February 7, 2017

BLS 486 Alpinist -3

After the painting was completed it was time to start applying decals.

This all went swimmingly. Mr Mountaineer man went on fine, as did the various texts. As on the real locos, the wording differs each side - one in (Swiss-?) German and one in Italian - "Die Alpinisten" and "Gli Alpinisti".

An added detail-decal that I had printed previously (but didn't use on the 485) was the various details on the very bottom of the sides - various classification numbers and little black square doors and hatches. This was lifted off an image in photoshop and all came out rather well even though you can't read them.

After a period of setting, the shell was dulllcoted which briefly threw a spanner in the works, as the Testors Dullcote lacquer spray melted the Tamiya acrylic silver on the left 5mm of one of the ends, which started to run over my Alpinist. This was fairly easily mopped up with a paintbrush and repainted, so no harm in the long run, although it was an unusual thing to see. Maybe I sprayed too much on in that spot... who knows.

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