Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Tale of Six Transwaggons

Following on from where we left off here, herehere, and here ...

...the last two items that were procured while over in Europe were another pair of Transwaggon branded Habbiins* bogie boxcars.

For some reason I tend to trawl eBay looking for bargains when I'm over in that part of the world figuring the shipping cost will be less. Sometimes the item seems a good price, but the shipping is exorbitant, but for these - from two different German sellers - it was the same reasonable cost anywhere worldwide so I shipped them down to the Antipodes.

Being in the correct scheme already, I didn't have to do much to do with them when they got here.

The roof and ends on the TW branded ones are a chocolate brown for some reason so I painted them a gull gray which I think looks good with the silver sides.

 I also picked out the tiedown hooks above the bogies and some handrails in yellow.

Plus a little gentle weathering on one (the other is completely unweathered - gasp! Not often you see that on one of my projects...

Six of these is enough for a decent looking train I reckon.

*approximate classification - even the TRANSWAGGON website doesn't clarify things...

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