Thursday, October 31, 2019

Marklin's Re 4/4 - Improving the looks - 1 - Inside

As you may have noticed, I tend to model at a million miles or an hour or at zero.

The ETR 610 has made some progress, but it hasn't been a tsunami of progress that keeps me motivated. It has instead moved very much from one stumbling point to the next.

So in the hopes of restarting in Z for a short while, I have had a number of ideas on the back burner to improve the looks of some of my locos.

Let's start with the Re 4/4. For Z scale, this really is a superb model that is crisp, well-detailed, well-painted, and most importantly, conveys the look of the original with only a few compromises to fit with the Marklin 'system'.

Two main things stand out as needing improvement:

  1. The massive silver pantographs - these look better in the factory dark chrome on my BLS locos but I expect one could do better...
  2. The massive coupler sticking out the front.
In addition there are a few quick and easy cosmetic things that could also be tried.  For example, has some 'machine room' interiors that you can print out and install behind the three large side windows.

You print this out so that it is 35mm wide (I stuck a few together in Photoshop first to print off a bunch in bulk) and ... there you have it. 

The jury is still out as to whether I like these or not. Might have to try a few that are darker ( I may have lightened them a bit much in photoshop).

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