Thursday, October 27, 2016


Today I spent some time pottering around in the train room on a few infrastructure projects before - in a valiant effort to avoid the soldering iron - began tinkering with a few projects that might start soon. Unfortunately, these will require use of an airbrush - my second most hated item of modelling equipment. 

In the meantime, you may remember that I trashed one of my VTG tarp wagons to steal its Y25 bogies to build that container car a while back.   In the meantime, I've bought a set of these horrid hi-rider side dump cars as a bogie-source and since I saved the old blue top, thought it might be worth an attempt to re-wheel it. 

With a bit of surgery, the top squeezed on, even if the chassis is a little longer on the wagon at left now and its missing its side tie-downs that are now on the container wagon. Still, it looks ok from a distance, its good to have four of those fairly nice blue wagons back again, and certainly is a better use of these bogies than the lanky-yellow-stilt-wagon in the foreground.

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