Saturday, May 19, 2018

Plodding along

After procuring some little trees and other little supplies from a distant hobby shop yesterday, a rare visit to the trainroom yielded an appropriately little dollop of progress this afternoon.

Although not entirely prototypical (but then again, the real township is less spatially-challenged than my model) I decided to remove my highway overpass -as foretold in a previous post - and replace it with a tunnel portal to give my mini-Wassen-church-hill the impression of more hight.

A portal was constructed from my diminishing stocks of slate roof material and tested for clearance - of which there is minimal...

And then some skinny strips of card used to flesh out the hill after the innards were darkened. 

I'm feeling this will work better than the previous ideas for this wee scene. It's not prototypical, everything is smushed into a tiny space, but such is life when you are building Wassen on a Door. The far end of this tunnel (and its not that far) isn't that easy to see, so will probably remain cavernously open so I can stick a hand in for track cleaning.

Finally, a little paint was splashed onto the parts of the south hill and the nearby top-level adjustments which had a glue-and-yellow-pages shell. The hole in the corner will be the last one on the layout to be filled, remaining open for testing and cleaning until the thing is deemed as bulletproof as its ham-fisted builder can certify.

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