Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Steel Shims

I received another second-hand telescoping steel wagon (UIC classification of 'Shimmns' I believe, which is probably the French or German word for "steel wagon") on yesterday's owl.

While preparing to weather it up to match the two already done, I pulled out the brown DB one that hasn't seen any love yet, and decided to give it a repaint.
New blue SBB and DB brown Shimmnses.
As the SBB ones are a shade of greeny-blue,  dabs of green and a nasty blue watercolour paint were squirted onto a makeshift palette, together with some white, in case things needed to be lightened up a little:

A little blending (I probably over-lightened it):

Close enough for government work:

Some weathering was added after looking at a few prototype pictures, which revealed that the real things are a real mix of sun-bleaching (particularly on the raised bits of the ribbed sides), but also are covered in coal dust and carbon (from the overhead presumably) in the crevices.

As before, this was approximated by drybrushing the bogies with some brown, and washing the body with thinned black and some streaks of browns and light colour. White soft pastel from the "Tamiya Weathering Master" box was applied to the ridges of all four wagons, as can be seen in the mini-mini steel train below, which is passing the Transwaggon train which doesn't seem to have moved far over the past few weeks!

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