Thursday, January 3, 2019

Upper Level Signal Cabin - Take 2

As you may recall from a previous episode, I built a model of the upper level signal cabin/track maintainer's house (I assume that's what these are).

I wasn't that happy with my construction, as it stood out like a dog's sore thumb. Too big and too bright.

The building isn't well-photographed due to its location (or more to the point is it is well-photographed, but it shows up as a tiny speck in the background of everyones pictures).

Fortunately, Swiss train photographer extraordinaire Georg Trub recently posted a picture that showed off the cabin rather well (lower-right ahead of the ETR 610) and made me see the errors of my ways - which should have been quite obvious from the proto-pictures I posted last time!

Aha. So even allowing for his angle and telephoto compression, my model is too wide. And the real one has a dark tiled roof rather than orange. Duh.

So, unhappy with my first effort, I replicated it in a slightly shrunken state using the same basic construction methods.

Hmm, that looks a lot better to my eye so it was glued into place:
It may not be clear from this angle - as it is largely obscured in the cutting leading up to the tunnel portal - but I also built the small wooden shed (which does have an orange-ish roof!) to the right of the main building which is quite visible in Georg's pic. I should add a few small trees in front of it.

While it does look good from this angle, it is extremely compressed in its depth, so doesn't look so good in any picture taken from the command post. At the real Wassen, this section of track is probably 4-5 times longer than I had room for, so the house always looks very distant. Perhaps a tree hiding some of the building's side might minimise that.

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