Sunday, January 28, 2018

Prefab scenery - 1

When we were kids at school in New Zealand, most schools had 'prefab' (prefabricated) classrooms to compliment the larger, well-built wings of school rooms. Prefabs were kitset standalone classrooms built (or partially built) offsite and trucked in, ready to go in times of need....

One of the issues with the Wassen layout is that it is quite deep - so it's hard to work on the top level from the 'viewing' side without a considerable stretch.

Also, because Switzerland is quite '3D' in nature, I often find myself planting grass and scenery on near-vertical hillsides, which offers a challenge to get trees to stand vertical, and to attach scenic items with diluted PVA glue without it all rolling down the hill and settling in a puddle on your nice track at the bottom.

So the idea of a prefab section is being tried here.

Basically I pinned down a foamboard 'floor' (flat, white, snakey thing beside the tracks) :

A 'back wall' for my prefab hill was cut from another scrap of foamboard and suspended in space, being pinned to the piece of backscene that had sprung up recently at left and to a bit of scenery at right. Ribs made of the same material were roughly cut out and applied. After this, it was time to sit back and watch the glue set.

Next morning, the pins could be removed, which allowed the skeleton to be removed, and card webbing glued on with a hot-glue gun.

Diluted PVA-soaked paper was applied to the top in a glueshell (much easier being able to do this with the portable piece laying down flat or being held vertically as needed):

Now with convenient carry handle.

This was then painted dark green as usual. Let the scenicking begin!

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