Thursday, December 6, 2018

Mittlere Meienreussbrücke Centre Span

Work continued today on the big bridge behind Wassen with the missing middle span being built.

Although the pictures are probably self explanatory here, I cut off the bottom of the arch so that I could put 'stone work' in there, plus cut out the four arched holes. I'm sure that's not the architectural term...

Some cut up 'stone' segments were stuck onto the removed arch piece perpendicular to the edge and this was all glued back into place:

Any unevenness in these pieces hanging down below the arc was trimmed off after the glue had set.

And below, a start is being made on the inner walls that you will see if you peer through the arched cutouts.

Like the obere bridge, this has no back face to the bridge, as no-one will ever see it, but unlike the obere bridge, I put an underside on this one, to keep prying eyes from seeing the emperor's new clothes when looking from the sides. Alas I was running out of the gray Kibri plasticard for this main arch, so used some brown plastruct brick stuff. On the real viaduct the arch is actually prestressed concrete anyway.

And that's that. The main arch was snipped at the apex to allow the whole bridge to bend in two halves - for squeezing it into the tight space available, and also because the bridge is on a curve so needs a kink in it. You might also see inside the base of the cutouts that grey Kibri plasticard was used for the topside of the chord face inj these slots to match the other visible pieces of stonework.
Pinned into place for looks, using some small holes at the top of the side and pinned into the foamboard track base:

And finally, fixed into place with the Kibri capping stones along the top edge and some stone columns to cover the joins between the three sections of the bridge:

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