Wednesday, January 18, 2017

BLS Re 485 Connecting Europe - 3

On the roof, an additional power thingy was added, and the Marklin 'hole' that holds a screw-switch to select catenary or track power was boxed over.
These additions were painted, the thing was given a shot of Dullcote lacquer and a little weathering added on top. In general, these things tend to stay pretty clean in service.

Windows were re-installed (what a pain), as were the pantographs (likewise). The real thing has 4 pantographs to deal with the multi-country voltages but we'll deal with that at some later stage. At one end I managed to put in some sunblinds under the front windows that are visible below.

It could do with some underfloor detailing, but for now, this will do.

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