Monday, January 23, 2017

Train Nerds at Wassen

I added the big farm shed above Wattinger last week, built in similar fashion to the previous one I made. It's obviously scaled down a lot from the real thing and I probably should have used the stripwood boards 'skinny side on' rather than using the flat sides to plank the walls which would have made the thing look a little more detailed and in scale.

A pair of goobers with cameras were also added in homage to the formerly famous Wattinger Curve photospot. The standing guy is carrying a big white Canon lens on a big DSLR around his neck (made from part of an N scale loco horn) and the guy sitting down has a tripod made from brass wire topped with a video camera.

The real shed is in the back left corner of the following picture taken from above the curved-tunnel mouth on my final visit here. The pic is similarly populated with railfans on the perch overlooking the famous curve.

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